Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

This will the first year that Mathew hasn't gone "all out" for Halloween. No freaky scray music blasting the neighborhood, no disco and dancing, no fog machine.. BOO HOO HOO
BUT the kids went to school dressed up a little bit today.. here they are..
They will wear different costumes for tonight...
Thanks to our dress up box...............


Pam said...

Dress up boxes are the best resource. My boys just scrounge up random costumes every Halloween. The cutest costume I saw tonight was of a boy dressed in black with a bunch of barbie dolls stuck on him. I asked him what he was and he answered "a chick magnet." I am so gonna blog it because I made him wait so I could take a picture of him...

thearringtonclan said...

ha ha ha I saw him too and wondered what the heck he was.....