Thursday, August 13, 2009

oops............... Has it been THAT LONG!!??

I don't know where I've been or what I have been doing to not keep this blog updated.. SORRY!!!!
Anyway........... Mathew is still doing GREAT!!! Lacks some energy and still gets tired easily BUT looking healthy and able to lift some weights...... YAY!!
ADOPTION....YES............ we were selected to adopt a sib group of 3..
girl age 4.. 2 boys aged 6 and 7
We will hopefully get them moved in very soon..
We feel soooooooooo blessed to have been chosen to take these children into our home and lives.
We have waited it seems forever to get some children to adopt and finally when I was "so done"
with the emotional roller coaster of Fostercare. here they come..
Over the past 7 years we have loved on over 40 children that have become a part of our family and now it is time to BE DONE... to raise our 2 children along with these 3 who will join us soon..

I have been NESTING !!! Re-painting bedrooms and cleaning and rearranging and now we are ready to move our children in.
Tomorrow we go to read more about them and see pictures and discuss a transition period..
We just hope it won't be too long before we have them move in and get them settled and our 2 accepting them as their sister and brothers...

Watch this space!


Britany said...

Oh how exciting! I have been wondering where you were! Can't wait to hear more!!

christa elyce said...

gosh i didn't realize that you were going to adopt! Congrats! keep bloggin! i want to meet them!