Sunday, December 21, 2008

Madero ward is full of CHRISTlike brothers and sisters

Today Mathew was able to make it to Sacrament which he enjoyed soooooo much.. The choir sang like a chorus of Angels, Jessie Rowley sang like an Angel...We had wonderful, inspiring talks from The Miners.. Mathew was inspired by it all today and I was so happy he felt up to going.. at least for the hour or so..

Later, we had a visit from Brother Cutchen and was again overwhelmed by the sincere generosity of our ward family for helping us with giving our children the opportunity to get gifts from "Santa"

THANK YOU to all...

Our ward is full of people who act as Christ would and we can only hope that through our trials we have endured this year, it will make us all the more stronger and to be more Christlike ourselves..

Please keep Mathew in your Prayers as he goes for another Catscan on Tuesday to see why is bloodwork came back elevated..

We are Praying it is to do with an inflammation rather than the cancer spreading.. Whatever the outcome we know our ward family will be there for us and for that we offer our continued gratitude to you all...

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